The Memory Project studies how memory is produced and reproduced and seeks to participate in and catalyze that process through support for educational initiatives and production of media and the arts, as well as through public history and commemorative events.


Apply for the 2024 Civil Rights Tour

The third Civil Rights Tour runs June 22-28. Paid for by the Memory Project and donors. UVA employees can apply here; teacher and the public can apply here

Our work is forward-facing and applied in nature, bringing together theoretical investigation of the politics of memory with direct engagement with its real-world effects. 

Photo credit: Sanjay Suchak


Read Director Schmidt’s op-ed exploring the ways post-war Germans’ redress of trauma and memorialization were aligned with the aim of revitalizing democracy


At the center the work of the Memory Project is the question of how to address historical trauma

The Memory Project is rooted in projects centered on Charlottesville, which in the past years has become a pivotal space in defining and shaping broader debates about memory in the United States.


Listen to the Memory Project supported student podcast “Still We Rise” by Reflections



Memory Project artist-in-residence Micah Ariel Watson’s gospel-infused short films 40th & State and Barky’s 


The Memory Project is part of the University of Virginia’s Karsh Institute of Democracy and is partially funded by the Mellon Foundation and the Ford Foundation. It promotes research, curriculum development, and public engagement to address issues of public memory, memory conflict, and memory politics in the wake of the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville in 2017. 


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